We are pleased that you have selected to use our 10 Hr Continuing Education for cosmetology this year! Navigate our menu on top for the online course material or if you have done this many times before go straight to the 10Hr CE for Cosmetology test by Clicking Here!!!. You can also click the image below:

This 10 HR CE is required for cosmetologist (CL), nail specialist (FV), facial specialist(FB), full specialist(FS) and Limited Cosmetologist (LC) every two years for Renewal with DBPR. Florida just passed a law starting 7/1/2024 stating if your license is 10 years or older and currently active. You are exempt from doing any continuing education. Please confirm your license requirement before taking this 10hr continuing class.
This website is the Cloud Nine Beauty School (CNBS) online continuing education. CNBS was established in January 2012. We designed this online program to facilitate your continuing education requirements for maintaining a license in the field of cosmetology. We implement a Simple, Fast and Secure method.
SIMPLE: We will NOT inconvenience you to register a user login. We know how frustrating it is to register a user ID, create a pw and not use it for 2 years after renewal. When that renewal year comes trying to retrieve the passwords….etc. With us, you enter your information and take your test.
FAST: We report your Continuing Education hours to DBPR Daily in the months of August, September and October when you need it quickly. Throughout the year, we report them on a weekly basis unless requested.
SECURE: We do NOT keep any credit card information. We let Paypal handle all payments. We use Paypal because it is the most secure, easy to lookup and dispute. You do not need an account with Paypal to check out, Click Guest Checkout and pay with a credit card.
Thank you for selecting us!!! We hope that our program is up to your expectations. Our program is approved by the Florida Board of Cosmetology. Our school is licensed by the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) and the Florida Department of Professional and Regulation (DBPR). Your 10 Hr CE credits will be automatically submitted to DBPR once you have passed and payment is received, the certificate of completion is for your record only. Please make sure you are entering the license type and numbers correctly. When finished, take a minute to complete the Course Evaluation survey so we may improve our programs. Should you have any technical trouble please feel free to contact us.
How to complete the 10 HR CE required by DBPR for your license renewal:
- Read the digital online study material booklet.
- Enter your information and answer the related 10 HR CE assessment test questions.
- Pay the fees for the course and you will receive a Certificate of Completion for your record. (You will be redirected back from Paypal once you paid for this certificate pdf but an email will also be sent automatically to your email address provided with this pdf file)
- You’re Done! You don’t need to do anything else, We send in your CE automatically to DBPR.
You will receive 10 CE Hours of the following breakdown to your DBPR license.
CM – Chemical Makeup | 1.00 |
EI – Environmental Issues | 1.00 |
ELE – Elective | 1.00 |
HIV/AIDS Course | 1.00 |
LR – State/Federal Laws & Rules | 2.00 |
OSH – Occupational Safety Health Admin. | 0.50 |
SAS – Sanitation/Sterilization | 3.00 |
WC – Workers’ Compensation | 0.50 |
Total | 10.00 |

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